Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Point of No Return

Proverbs 18:9-10

9 One who is slack in his work is brother to one who destroys.

10 The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.

Not too long ago it was a trend to "be lazy". I haven't been following to see if this is still the "in" thing to say to friends but its never caught on with me. Truth is, if I had a choice, I would be lazy. Truthfully, I like the idea of waking up Saturday morning at 11A but then reality hits, and I am reminded of the futile life. What good would that do me? What benefits this life?

A great reminder that running to the LORD is a wise thing. He is our strong tower. Why not? I once was asked, "why do we treat God like Santa Claus by asking him for things?" As I reflect on this more, I am reminded how "Western" this question was.

In America, as in many Western countries, it is the individual, the "me" that we pride on. Though there is something "sexy" about this, it is not the biblical view. Previous to this year, the USA Men's Olympic Basketball team lost twice to teams of other countries with far less "star power". How could these teams beat or team with Lebron, Melo, and DWade? It was simple. The teams played team basketball, while we played more an exhibitionist-individual performance brand. This year we won because of "TEAM".

I'm getting somewhere with this. The notion that we can do it ourself or we shouldn't call on God until we need Him is not biblical. We are to "call to Him" as written in Jeremiah 33:3. We need to continually rely on Him- thats called Lordship. The Western worl prays for a Savior but not many live for the LORD.

How do we differentiate? Simple. In the past week, what has our prayer consisted of? Has it been "God, thank you for the food, thank you for the bed, thank you.....AMEN?" Or rather, has it been "God this is how things have been going? Where are you at work today? What does this mean"? The first is one demensional. You talking to God so he can hear, but you rather not have the reponse. The second is relational. You are seeking God. He is LORD, and you are asking your Lord about life- all of it.

So today, my challenge is to yield to my Lord and Savior Jesus.

Dear Lord, thank you for life, for today, for my rest last night. You are a good God. Where are you at work today that I may join you? Amen.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Maximize the Moment

Word for Today: Maximize the Moment

Proverbs 28:19 He who works his land will have abundant food, but the one who chases fantasies will have his fill of poverty.
On Thanksgiving Day I hope you had a wonderful time recounting what God has done for you and your loved ones this past year. Expressing your gratitude to God is a door for continual blessings. You probably thanked God for things that have already taken place and also held back on others because you're still waiting for them. You see, God is a well of abundant blessings. He has more.

God blesses us from a spring of blessings that does not end with just the event or that prayer, but He continues to build on things into the future- even things you haven't caught a glimpse of yet. But as God is doing this, continue to do your part.

When God called those in the Bible for great things, they were taking care of daily responsibilities or just seized the moment- Joseph just showed concern for his cellmates, the disciples were fishing, Moses was tending sheep, Mary was helping her family- you get the idea.
So today, with the holiday still fresh on your mind, give legs to those dreams. Continue to do what you've been doing to honor God and your word like saving money to pay off a debt, cleaning your house/room, studying for your midterms, and even setting aside time to study about these "heroes of the faith". God can make the ordinary into extraordinary. You just give legs to His work- keep working.

Enjoy and maximize the moment by making use of every opportunity. Lay a foundation for your dreams by doing all things well and continuing in your daily responsibilities- this gives legs to your dreams. This is what makes a moment worthwhile.

Father, thank you for today that what I do here has eternal value. Thank you for taking care of my present and my future. I ask that you lead me today and help me in finishing what is before me. But Lord, don't just help me do it, make it worthwhile! Amen.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

The Flock

Proverbs 27:23-27
23Be sure you know the condition of your flocks, give careful attention to your herds; 24 for riches do not endure forever, and a crown is not secure for all generations.  25 When the hay is removed and new growth appears and the grass from the hills is gathered in, 26 the lambs will provide you with clothing, and the goats with the price of a field.  27 You will have plenty of goats' milk to feed you and your family and to nourish your servant girls.

See it through in each phase and detail.  Not just to have the vision, dream about it, and pass to others to "fulfill" the vision, but here, the reminder is to "...know the condition of your flock...".  I find myself often living my dream prematurely.  I cast a vision to those near and want others to catch it.  Here the wise teach reminds me to not only have the vision whether it is "The Refuge House" or a God-sized task, the reminder is to tend to the needs of those who work under my care or have placed themselves thereof.  

Verse 25 is so simple yet it gives a clear illustration- all phases of the process are important and requires the same effort no matter how glamous or mundane it seems.  There will be a time when the fields will seem beautiful and all seems well with the world around you, and then there are times when it seems the "action" has gone- silence.  But in all things, each phase/season has its purpose.  There will be a time when its time to harvest to make room for the new growth.  Harvest in the right season, but before that, tend to your flock- everything God has given to you and everyone He has placed in your care and sphere of influence.  

Lord, all things have been given to me today by you for great and grand reasons.  May I always see it as such.  Today, help me to see where I need to lend attention to my flock and/or my household.  Lord Jesus, lead me today in your ways for Your glory's sake.