Ecclesiastes 3:11 He has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the hearts of men; yet they cannot fathom what God has done from beginning to end.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
Maximize the Moment

Thursday, November 27, 2008
The Flock
Proverbs 27:23-27
See it through in each phase and detail. Not just to have the vision, dream about it, and pass to others to "fulfill" the vision, but here, the reminder is to "...know the condition of your flock...". I find myself often living my dream prematurely. I cast a vision to those near and want others to catch it. Here the wise teach reminds me to not only have the vision whether it is "The Refuge House" or a God-sized task, the reminder is to tend to the needs of those who work under my care or have placed themselves thereof.
Verse 25 is so simple yet it gives a clear illustration- all phases of the process are important and requires the same effort no matter how glamous or mundane it seems. There will be a time when the fields will seem beautiful and all seems well with the world around you, and then there are times when it seems the "action" has gone- silence. But in all things, each phase/season has its purpose. There will be a time when its time to harvest to make room for the new growth. Harvest in the right season, but before that, tend to your flock- everything God has given to you and everyone He has placed in your care and sphere of influence.
Lord, all things have been given to me today by you for great and grand reasons. May I always see it as such. Today, help me to see where I need to lend attention to my flock and/or my household. Lord Jesus, lead me today in your ways for Your glory's sake.