Life of Abundance: Initial Thoughts
The life of every believer must start with the premise that our God, our Father is a good God and He provides all that we need for life. In 2 Peter 1:3, the apostle reminds us that, “his divine power has given us everything we need for life…” .
Now let’s make clear one thing, our God is not about excessive living to fulfill our selfish “wants”, but what he gives us is an overabundance of what we need for each day, each moment of our lives. I do notice thought that God often holds out immediate blessings so that the receiver can be prepared.
Remember Joseph who was sold as a slave and remained faithful to God and his accuser even in prison? What was the result? Eventually, after living as a slave, learning how to manage a household, and being trained to oversee a household, he was elevated only second to Pharaoh. Like one pastor said, you have to have the testing to have a testimony.
When you scour through the Bible, you’ll find instances in which God provided more than enough for His people (The Exodus – Hebrew slaves received gold from their captors). Take note, these are not instances in which God gave to His children so that they would satisfy just themselves even though they may have. It was meant to bring God glory, to provide those involved the means for the task ahead, and to demonstrate to the people of Israel that HE indeed is their great abundance- no other god, counterfit leaders could compare. The bottomline was for complete reliance and trust in this God they were getting to know.
God wants you to know him. His plans for you are greater than your plans or any self-help author’s plans for you. John 10:10 tells us that Jesus intentions for us is the “abundant life” and John 15:5 reminds us that we are to bear MUCH fruit.
Don’t drink the kool-aid that this world and satan advertises- what glimmers can fulfill, but instead trust while waiting, walking in faith, being faithful, and declaring that in fact God is your Jehovah-Jireh. He is our, your provider. You have all you need in Him.
Dear Father, you are my help and my strength. You have all I need. Teach me today to trust that you can provide for me. Show me where my false thinking is concerning your goodness and ability to provide for me. I trust you. You have given me in abundance. You will provide for me financially, a job, a way out, at future mate, etc. Show me how you are providing for me today. Amen.