Proverbs 22:3 A prudent man sees danger and takes refuge, but the simple keep going and suffer for it.
Ever been hit in the head or groin or any other sensitive part of your body? Don't worry, that is as crass as I'll get. But back to the question. What do you do once you've been hit? My first reaction is to protect myself particularly in the areas I fear more pain.
You know where I'm going with this. One of the issues we've studied in Bondage Breaker (ch.4) has to do with defense mechanisms. I hope you've looked at it in detail because truly, those who can discern whether their reaction and thinking are linked to defense mechanisms fair better.
It is one thing to have a good reason for how you react, and it's another to have insight into the true reason why you reacted a certain way. Defense mechanisms can prematurely solve an issue. If anything, it mask the issue(s) so you don't deal with yourself but rather, put it off to someone else or something. The Bible verse above is simple, if you see danger, take refuge. Basically, if you know it is a problem, seek help to address the problem. Many of us still go on each day hoping things will go away. Issues are not going to be resolved unless we address them properly. Defense mechanisms lend us a place to hide because we avoid confrontation.
How about today you make the decision to avoid the danger? If you are reacting to a comment or a situation with defense mechanisms, how about asking someone to hold you accountable? One of my favorite sayings is "own up to it". I mean, its not like I've mastered it, but one thing I want to make clear, I will not hide from it. God help me to be accountable for my actions.
Dear Father, give us eyes to see the danger and the humility to acknowledge it. Where we employ defense mechanisms, teach us to address the true issues not just the surface. Amen.