Monday, January 11, 2010

Be Righteous

Psalm 31

3 When the foundations are being destroyed,
what can the righteous do?"

7 For the LORD is righteous,

he loves justice; upright men will see his face.

When the foundation of all that you stand for and believe in is being attacked, what can you do? Do you fight back with a heavier hand or do you wimper in the corner resenting anything or anyone who could have or at least should have kept you from this? I can't say thats a good approach can you?

The Psalmist practiced a few things here that I like:

1. He took note that the righteous' ways were being attacked (frame work of godly belief and integrity).

2. He brings it back to the big picture- God is righteous and his portion would be rewarded if he remain at his post as a righteous man.

3. He deferred to God and trusted in Him. He sought to please God.
Regardless of the change or challenge you face, resolve that in the end, like Job during his trials, you will choose to turn to God who is a righteous judge and resolve not to act like ungodly men.

God help me to live honorably before you. Be my help and my shield. Keep my eyes on you even as I see the foundations being attacked. I trust in you. Now deliver the help needed in this hour. I am grateful. Thank you, Lord.