Psalm 3:3-5
3 But you are a shield around me, O LORD;
you bestow glory on me and lift up my head.
4 To the LORD I cry aloud,
and he answers me from his holy hill. Selah
5 I lie down and sleep; I wake again, because the LORD sustains me
Growing up Vietnamese was confusing at times especially if you were educated in the states. At home I was taught to “live in humility and respect” towards those older or in higher authority. No doubt we were influenced by the Chinese philosopher, Confucius. I grew up always looking at the ground instead of looking directly at people.
In school I was encouraged to “speak up” and ask questions, but at home “speaking up” was taken as challenging authority. What a dichotomy. My teachers were frustrated that I never asked questions in class, and then when I mustered the nerves to speak up, my parents would remind me of my place- never question them.
As I study God’s word, I am reminded of the liberty we have in Christ. We don’t have to walk around like we are ashamed or as if we are the lowliest people on earth. Surely humility is not just found in “the posture”. If it were, Asians would be the humblest people on earth, and you and I know that Asians are not that humble! It takes more than bowing our physical body to be humble- especially towards God.
Back to my original thought- God lifts our head up high. Our heavenly Father sustains us and gives us reason to lift our head. We don’t have to walk around like we are the lowliest of people, but we can hold our head high because our Father is pleased with us because we are made right with Him through His son, Jesus.
As you go about today, here are three things to think about:
1. God is our shield. What is one to do with a shield? Hind behind it and seek its protection. Praise God that He is our shield and protection. Ask Him to protect your heart, your thoughts, your body, your family, and your spiritual growth today.
2. God answers us. Yes, He hears your prayers. Call to Him.
3. We have no fear of what is ahead and even the events passed because our God watches over us and turns all things for our benefit. And because I know God watches over me with good intentions I can rest without fear. Walk about today knowing that whatever comes your way is in God’s sight.
Dear Father, I rest in you today. You are my strength and shield. Thank you for my rest last night, and please continue to keep your eyes on me. Where are you at work that I may join you? Amen.
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