Lead me, O LORD, in your righteousness
8 ...here I am, prostrate in your inner sanctum,
Waiting for directions

because of my enemies—
make straight your way before me.
What a beautiful verse for the morning. Check out The Message translation:
Waiting for directions
to get me safely through enemy lines.
Here is the psalmist (writer of this passage) showing his total reliance on God. It reminds me of the Santa Claus devo I wrote a few days ago. As children of God, we must seek him. No greater a posture of reverance than to lay prostrate before him. Have you tried it lately? To simply come before God, maybe a little worship music or instrumental in the background, and just lay before him and groan- there are very few things beyond this that will connect you will God in such a powerful way. Simply coming to God asking the Spirit to intercede for you.

image taken from http://www.jennifermorser.com/id5.html
Start your day right. Come to God in humble prayer. At times, when you are hard pressed or when your "enemies" come at you, the easier approach would be to get even or find a way to justify yourself. Why spend so much time so focused on justifying your cause? If you have honored God, done what you could before all eyes, and simply have relied on the Spirit's guidance, let God, your Father, speak for you. How about today you lay yourself before Him, and simply say, "...here I am, ...waiting for directions, ...get me safely through enemy lines"?
Dear Father. I wait for you this morning. Despite my fierce desire to justify myself or render pay back, I simply will trust that you will cause all things for my benefit and that you will justify me. Lead and guide me today. Teach me humility. Do this for me today- this my humble prayer. Amen.
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